Converting your home into a smart home is a wise decision. With emerging technology changing the way we do everyday chores, switching to a smart home can make your life much more comfortable. Aside from the convenience, smart home conversion can save you money in the long run. 

Many devices, like smart plugs, can be used to help cut energy output. Appliances that run all the time at full power can have their energy regulated by using a smart plug. These plugs will reduce your utility bill and is suitable for the environment. Here are a few smart home appliances you should look out for.


One of the best investments you can make in smart home appliances is your refrigerator. Smart refrigerators are connected to your phone and can send you alerts if there are any issues. For instance, if you leave the refrigerator door open. With its touch screen technology, you can set reminders on a calendar, keep track of notes and ingredient lists. 

Most amazingly, while you are at the store, if you are unsure if you need something, you can use that app on your phone to see if you have it in the refrigerator. Samsung's Family Hub refrigerator even lets you watch television or play music in addition to all the other offerings.

Smart Oven

The invent of the smart oven is making the lives of owners much more manageable. There are some pretty amazing products out there, but the one that tops our list is the Samsung NZ36K788OUG. This stove has the sleekest design but packs in a ton of excellent features designed to make cooking a breeze. 

Its built-in Wi-Fi allows you to control the cooking temperature from anywhere in the world. It is also integrated with Alexa so you can use this to turn the oven on and off. If you program what you are cooking, it will adjust the temperature to ensure a perfectly cooked meal every time.


Many available smart dishwashers can integrate with your other smart home devices. Aside from the technology, these dishwashers are improving on the basic functionality of the traditional dishwasher and providing cleaner dishes. 

They offer Wi-Fi capabilities, so you can lock and unlock your dishwasher from anywhere with your voice or phone. You will receive alerts if there are any issues like leaking or running low on detergent. Most importantly, adjust your energy output, which should save you some cash on your utility bills.


Microwaves are one of the most used appliances in most homes. GE smart microwaves take it to another level of smart appliances. Of course, they are Wi-Fi enabled and respond to voice commands via Alexa. But the coolest function of this microwave is the scan-to-cook feature. This allows you to cook anything with a barcode perfectly. You scan the code, and the microwave will set the time and temperature to ensure a perfect cook every time.

Sachin Reddy is the founder and blogger at Certified Inbound Marketer, Tech Savvy & Brand Promoter. His passion lies in Blogging. For Sachin, night is day and online gaming is a serious sport. One can always find him enrapt to his laptop screen.

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