Video Marketing: 8 mistakes you are sure to make

The Video Marketing is fashionable.Many Companies have signed up on youtube and have begun to create videos to reach out to their audience and promote their products or services.

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However, the vast majority of them make certain mistakes that make this digital strategy not work as expected.

We have noticed that there are 8 common errors easy to solve. Video Marketing Mistakes you can avoid without any problems (only when you know it).

Today we explain to you what Video Marketing is and what are the most common mistakes that beginner companies make.

What is Video Marketing

The Video Marketing is a set of communication strategies pursued to achieve objectives within a marketing strategy in which online video is used as a tool to promote a brand, company, product or service.

  • 57{e7d47c856744df2248f2195fd30fbdddbceff01679799ef4d661e6a47ab6faaa} of consumers online are more likely to buy a product or hire a service after watching a video.
  • Each day more than 100 million users view videos over the Internet.
  • According to Multi Vision Digital, 52{e7d47c856744df2248f2195fd30fbdddbceff01679799ef4d661e6a47ab6faaa} of users say that watching video content on a product gives them greater confidence when it comes to buying it.
  • The web pages that contain video have 88{e7d47c856744df2248f2195fd30fbdddbceff01679799ef4d661e6a47ab6faaa} percentage of more user restraint when compared to those who have none.

Video marketing is having an increasingly significant presence in any online marketing plan.

Brands are incorporating it into their online strategies to gain a greater presence on the internet and achieve their communication goals.

The Most Common Errors in Video Marketing:

1. Not having a strategy:

The vast majority of companies start with video marketing “to try”, “to see what comes out”. They create a video, upload it YouTube and share it a couple of times by social networks.

This is not done. The Marketing Video, like any other form of online marketing, you need a strategy and advance planning. You can not create and launch videos without previous reflection.

2. Forgetting the objectives :

Continuing with the previous point, in the previous strategy, you must include what you want to get and to whom you go. That is the communication goal and the audience whom you want to reach.

If you are clear about what you want to get and who you want to reach, you can:

  • Analyze the appropriate metrics (and not walk around with blind sticks).
  • Optimize the creation of videos and save you time and money.
  • Attract your website to the people who are most willing to purchase your product or service ( quality visits ).

3. Not including  a call to action:

We see many companies that create videos that contain no call to action. Without it, viewers do not know what action to take next.

Visit your website? Subscribe to your channel? Call a phone number? Leave a comment? Share the video?

Each video you create has to include a specific CTA or call to action to help you get the target set.

For example, if you want people to share the video (your goal is branding), make it clear.

4. Creating videos that are too long:

In this busy world, users have no time at all. If something does not interest us, we do not waste time: we abandon it and focus our attention on something else.

Making short videos (and great quality of course) is the best way to make sure your audience will not get bored in half. Short, dynamic, fresh, interesting. This should be your video.

Of course, this is not an exact science and it may be that, because of your type of sector or audience, long videos work just fine.

5. SEO:

Like a web, blog or image, it is very important to optimize the videos so that they appear in the first results of Google and YouTube.

We have found many companies that forget the SEO of the videos and upload them “as is” on the platform.

He thinks that not optimizing the video for SEO makes thousands and thousands of free visits (organic) for the simple fact of having taken care of the appropriate aspects when uploading and editing it.

Pay special attention to the title, description, file name and keywords (if you want to know more about positioning videos with SEO read this article ).

6. Analysing the results:

As you do with other online marketing strategies, it is essential to analyze the results of videos to see if they have worked or not.

Keeping track of the appropriate metrics will give you valuable insight into the performance of your videos and what the audience prefers.

Which of your videos has had the most views? Does it have to see the title that you put? Which broadcast channel has worked the most? Are women more interested than men in your videos? And a long list of questions that you can only answer by analyzing the results.

7. Low quality:

Your video does not have to look like a Hollywood movie, but it can not be recorded with poor quality or a lousy sound.

Currently, there are many affordable cameras and mobiles of great quality. You have no excuse.

8. Links to a low-quality landing page:

Another of the mistakes most committed in Video Marketing is not having a landing page well optimized.

landing page is a page that the users of a specific campaign arrive. All your videos must link to a relevant landing page where users will find the information they are looking for.

We have seen landing pages of very poor quality, which take time to load, which do not offer anything to users … Landing pages that the only thing they do is that the user goes wherever he has come without taking any action.

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Sachin Reddy is the founder and blogger at Certified Inbound Marketer, Tech Savvy & Brand Promoter. His passion lies in Blogging. For Sachin, night is day and online gaming is a serious sport. One can always find him enrapt to his laptop screen.

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