The benefits of the modern digital landscape are too immense to ignore. It doesn’t come as a surprise that two-thirds of the world uses the internet.

Its relevance is valid across a variety of industries, occupations, and life situations. One such category of people who enjoy the benefits of web resources is students.

Gone are the days when books were primarily available in libraries or all classes were physical. Today, students can connect with tutors on the other side of the world, access academic resources online, and research almost any topic without leaving their beds.

Unfortunately, these benefits come with potential threats as well. The security risks encouraged in a highly digitalized world necessitate cybersecurity principles. However, it is still expected to see individuals fall prey online. Read on to familiarize yourself with some helpful cybersecurity tips.

Always Use Strong and Unique Passwords

Passwords lend significant security advantages to those who use them in the right way. In contrast, they can expose some users when used improperly. In order to maximize password use for cyber safety, students must consider the following practices:

  • Always keep your passwords to yourself. It might be a phone passcode, computer password, or student portal login details: if it’s yours, don’t let anyone else know.
  • Use unique passwords every time. It is particularly tempting to repeat passwords across platforms because they are easier to remember that way. However, one compromised platform and password would put all the others at risk.
  • Don’t use personal information. Another common hack for remembering passwords is using personal details or information. It works, but it also makes the password easier to guess.
  • Keep it long and complex. The logic goes that the longer and more complex a password is, the more difficult it is to crack. So, don’t shy away from using sentences with loads of unique characters and numbers.
  • Use a password manager. Password managers are not a smear on your memory, especially when you have accounts and subscriptions on many platforms. Therefore, identify and use a reliable and secure password manager to stay safe. Fortunately, there's a plethora of options, including those specifically designed for browsers. Consider popular choices like Chrome Password Manager Extension or explore other alternatives to enhance your online security effortlessly.

Be Careful With Emails and Suspicious Messages

Emails, texts, and social media messages are potential security risks when they contain downloadable info or links. Scammers use these avenues for phishing schemes, attempting to lure unsuspecting victims into sharing personal information. Similarly, the goal may be to upload malware, ransomware, etc., onto the device or network.

They are relatively easy to avoid, though. If the email or message looks suspicious, don’t open it. Also, if a letter from an unknown account or address contains a link or file, don’t download it without antivirus protection. An effective antivirus would provide warnings and preclude the entry of malware. Also, links that do not begin with HTTPS are not secure and should be avoided.

Pay Attention to URLs and Secure Connections

You shouldn’t skim through the URLs of the websites you are visiting. Always pay attention that the website is secure. You can do this in two ways. First, as mentioned above, make sure that the link starts with HTTPS instead of HTTP. Second, look for a lock icon in your browser’s location field. Otherwise, you risk visiting a malicious site and sharing personal information.

In addition to carefully reading URLs to avoid visiting malicious sites, it's also crucial to ensure secure connections and use VPNs. Connecting via a virtual private network adds another layer of security, especially when using public Wi-Fi, by encrypting your internet connection and masking your IP address.

Consider Multi-factor Authentication

Authentication is the process by which a user proves their identity to a system for access to a service or resource. The most common form of authentication is the use of login details (password, ID, username, email, etc.). Passwords and login details utilize the ‘knowledge’ factor of authentication, but there are other factors.

The main authentication factors are knowledge, possession, inherence, location, and behavior. Many resource and service providers allow users to authenticate themselves via multiple factors (Like combining passwords and fingerprints). It might make accessing online services and resources more convoluted, but such multi-factor authentication is a boon to cybersecurity. As such, where possible, employ multi-factor authentication.

Update Apps and Software Regularly

Cybersecurity, as an applicable concept, continues to evolve. Malicious entities that pose a risk to the cyber safety of web users continuously work at refining their methods. As such, app developers, resource providers, and the like also do the same to protect the integrity of their services. Some of their work manifests as software updates.

Software updates of this type may contain security patches and new features. The present security patches help developers and service providers cover identified vulnerabilities. This consequently results in improved cybersecurity for their users. Moral lesson: update your apps and software when new updates are available.

Note that older hardware may not support new software updates. So, consider updating your hardware from time to time as well.


In any endeavor, it is important to cultivate the right set of practices and habits. Cybersecurity is no different. Yes, you can buy tools to secure your devices and network better. However, imbibing the right practices might be an even more powerful security habit in the long run. So, employ these tips and share them with your friends as well.

Sachin Reddy is the founder and blogger at Certified Inbound Marketer, Tech Savvy & Brand Promoter. His passion lies in Blogging. For Sachin, night is day and online gaming is a serious sport. One can always find him enrapt to his laptop screen.

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