Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the Python error: Float object is not subscriptable.
  • Ideal scenario without the error.
  • When does this error occur?
  • Basic troubleshooting steps.
  • Importance of resolving this error.
  • Practical solutions to fix this issue.

Understanding the “float object is not subscriptable” Issue

In Python, the error “float object is not subscriptable” is typically encountered when you're trying to use indexing or subscripting operations on a float object.

For those new to Python, a float is a data type that stores decimal numbers. The term “subscriptable” refers to the process of accessing a specific element in a sequence, such as a list or a string, using a pair of square brackets.

Consider the following code:

Copy code
[x = 3.14]

Here, we're trying to access the first element of the float object “x”. Since floats are not subscriptable, Python throws an error: “TypeError: ‘float' object is not subscriptable”.

The error is clear – you are trying to do something with a floating-point number that Python only allows with subscriptable objects, like strings, lists, or tuples.

What's the Ideal Scenario Without the “float object is not subscriptable” Issue?

In an ideal scenario, the programmer would be aware that floats aren't subscriptable in Python. Instead of attempting to index a float, they would apply such operations only to subscriptable data types like strings, lists, or tuples.

For example, if we have a list:

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[x = [3.14, 2.71, 1.61]

In this case, the output would be 3.14, since lists are subscriptable and we are accessing the first element of the list “x”.

When Does “float object is not subscriptable” Error Occur?

This error pops up in a Python program when we try to perform indexing or subscripting operations on a float object. This could occur due to incorrect user input, flawed data type conversions, or simply a programming mistake.

Imagine a scenario where you're asking a user to input a number, and you want to access the digits in that number:

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[x = float(input(“Enter a number: “))]

When the user enters a number, it's converted to a float, and then the program attempts to print the first digit of this float, which results in the error.

Basic Troubleshooting: Have You Tried These Steps?

Before diving into specific solutions, it's crucial to follow some basic troubleshooting steps:

  • Ensure you're not mistakenly trying to perform indexing or subscripting operations on a float.
  • Check your code for incorrect data type conversions that might be turning an intended subscriptable data type into a float.
  • Restart your Python interpreter or IDE. Sometimes, the problem can arise due to minor glitches that can be rectified by a simple restart.
  • If you're working in a Jupyter Notebook, try clearing the kernel and rerunning the cells.

Why It's Important to Resolve “float object is not subscriptable”

This error, if left unresolved, can halt the execution of your Python program, preventing it from completing its intended tasks. It's crucial to fix this issue to ensure the smooth running of your program and to maintain accurate data processing and representation.

Furthermore, understanding the nature of this error and its solutions will enhance your coding skills and help you avoid similar mistakes in the future.

4 Practical Solutions to Fix “float object is not subscript able”

Solution 1: Check and Convert Data Types Appropriately

One of the common reasons behind this error is inappropriate data type conversion. You might be inadvertently converting a list or string into a float. To solve this issue, make sure you're handling data types correctly.

  • Identify the variables in your program that are being subscripted.
  • Check the type of these variables using the built-in type() function.
  • If a variable is of type float and being subscripted, you need to trace back in your code and identify why it's a float and not a subscriptable data type.
  • Modify the code so that the variable is of the correct, subscriptable type.

Copy code
[x = 3.14]

The output will be <class'float'>, indicating that “x” is a float.

Solution 2: Handle User Input Correctly

If you're taking input from a user and expecting a subscriptable data type, but the user enters a float, it can lead to this error. To fix this, you need to handle user input correctly.

If you're expecting a string input from the user, don't convert it into a float. Keep it as a string and perform the required operations.
If you're expecting a list of numbers, ask the user to input the numbers separated by space. Use the split() function to convert the input into a list.

Copy code
[x = list(map(float, input(“Enter numbers separated by space: “).split()))]

In this case, the user can enter numbers separated by spaces, and they will be stored as a list of floats.

Solution 3: Use Correct Data Structures

If your task requires storing and manipulating a sequence of floats, using a float data type won't work, as we've seen. Instead, you should use a data structure that supports subscripting, such as a list or a tuple.

Copy code
[x = list(str(3.14))]

In this code, the float 3.14 is first converted to a string, and then to a list of characters. The output of this code will be ‘3'.

Solution 4: Reach Out to Support

If you're still having trouble resolving this issue, don't hesitate to seek help. Reach out to Python coding forums or communities, and provide them with your code and a description of your problem.

Platforms like StackOverflow, Reddit's r/learnpython, or Python's official forum are excellent places to get help. You could also contact a Python instructor if you're enrolled in a course.

How to Prevent “float object is not subscriptable” Error in the Future

To prevent this error in the future, make sure to keep the following points in mind:

  • Understand Python's data types and their properties. Remember that float objects are not subscriptable.
  • Handle user input correctly. Don't convert input to float unless necessary.
  • Use appropriate data structures for your tasks. If you need to store a sequence of numbers and access individual numbers, consider using a list or tuple of integers or floats.
  • Always check the type of your variables during debugging, especially those that are being subscripted. Python's built-in type() function is handy for this.
  • Regularly update your knowledge about Python. Following Python's official documentation and engaging in coding forums can help you stay updated.


Understanding the “float object is not subscriptable” error in Python is crucial for anyone learning or using the language. This error occurs when we try to access or change an element of a float object using indexing or slicing, which is not possible.

Floats are not designed to be subscriptable in Python, unlike lists, strings, tuples, and dictionaries.

By using the solutions provided in this article, you should be able to troubleshoot and fix this error effectively. Don't forget, the key to preventing this error lies in understanding Python's data types and their properties, handling user input correctly, and choosing the right data structures for your tasks.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What does “subscriptable” mean in Python?

In Python, if an object is subscriptable, it means you can use indices to access and modify elements of the object. Data types such as lists, strings, tuples, and dictionaries are subscriptable, while float, int, and bool are not.

Why can't I use indexing on a float in Python?

Floats in Python are not designed to be subscriptable. They are considered atomic or indivisible. They don't contain other objects that can be accessed or modified using indexing or slicing.

What data types are subscriptable in Python?

In Python, lists, strings, tuples, and dictionaries are subscriptable. You can access and modify their elements using indices.

Can I make a float subscriptable in Python?

No, you can't make a float subscriptable in Python. If you need a subscriptable object to store a sequence of numbers, consider using a list or tuple of integers or floats.

How can I avoid the “float object is not subscriptable” error in Python?

To avoid this error, ensure that you're not trying to use indexing or slicing on a float. Always check the type of your variables during debugging, especially those that are being subscripted. Handle user input correctly, and use appropriate data structures for your tasks.

Sachin Reddy is the founder and blogger at Certified Inbound Marketer, Tech Savvy & Brand Promoter. His passion lies in Blogging. For Sachin, night is day and online gaming is a serious sport. One can always find him enrapt to his laptop screen.

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