With hundreds, if not millions, of websites coming up with solutions and narratives on similar concepts, making your website stand out is no longer an option. Whatever topic you want to read on, whatever you're selling, just google it, and literally, in a quarter of a second or less, Google will have more than 100 pages, boasting itself after every search: “About 38,100,000 results (0.70 seconds)”. While this is maybe convenient for researchers and clients, it is an absolute nightmare for web designers and business owners with an online platform. You're literally a drop of water in a rainstorm. To be noticed, therefore, this drop has to stand out. One way of putting yourself ahead of all others is the adoption of excellent UI and UX design. They stand for User Interface Design and User Experience Design respectively. 

Both elements contribute to visitor satisfaction and work closely together. After all, without an excellent user interface(UI), your website cannot attain the right standard of user experience UX. They are extremely important for quality visitor traffic to your website therefore the success of your business. Here are top tips on how to take your business to the next level using UI/UX design.

Some latest and crucial trends for the best UI/UX design websites:

1. Have A Mobile-Ready Layout

Decades ago, access to the internet was primarily through the use of computers. Today, however, smartphones and tablets, which are 'round the clock on the hands of people, are the highest traffic generators for websites. In order to tap into the masses therefore, you have to follow the UI Design principles on user preferences and create a mobile-friendly version for your website. This shows the critical aspect of responsiveness, which entails studying what the people need and responding to them accordingly, which in turn increases the user experience. This said, whenever you're building a website, it is imperative that mobile-friendly features are integrated. 

2.  Choose Humanisation

Small business growth professionals at Max Funding say, “humanising your brand can lead you to a deeper connection with your potential customers.” They suggest, “to convert potential customers into subscribers, catch the clients' attention for long, and boost conversion rates in general and adopt a recognisable face for your brand.”

You could even come up with a fictional character to represent your brand. This humanises your brand on the web, makes it more memorable, and makes the user experience feel a tad bit more personal. Along with this, ensure that all offered services are both authentic and genuine to the customers, then sit back and watch your business boom to unbeatable levels. 

3. Use Catchy Images 

On the visual hierarchy, images and high-quality pictorial illustrations draw the attention of users faster than text does. Not only are they interesting, but they also communicate faster than text in prose. You should, therefore, include them on your website, in order to improve content appearance and communication. They should be organized and appropriately used to avoid clutter. With this said, adopt an attractive layout to improve user interaction. You could even place the most crucial text on the images, as this will convey your most important details faster especially to clients who have no time to go through long paragraphs. In this sense, not only does the business enhance the user's experience, the service communicates better and quicker, catching even passers-by on the website, which is beneficial for business. 

4. Enhance Page Load Time

Perhaps the simplest but most critical aspect. With Google giving 38 million results for one search, why would a person waste valuable time on a slow page? It is therefore imperative for web designers to improve the loading speed of your website, lest a potential customer finds it lazy, slow, and boring and moves on to the next one. This is really a non-deniable factor in getting excellent conversion rates. Implement site speed enhancement tactics, then use the Google Page Speed Checker tool to assess how fast the page is. This will ensure your website is easy to navigate and use, enhancing user experience. It overall results in a huge customer base boosting your business enterprise. 

5. Do Away With The Technical Site Errors

A recent study shows that 32% of all customers would stop doing business with a brand they loved after one bad experience (PWC).Errors reduce customer satisfaction. You should, therefore, ensure that there aren't any 404 errors as they create a bad impression. When running a business website, ensure these are eliminated as they may very well make you lose valuable clients who leave the site and never return to it simply because it is frustrating to keep on getting errors. 

6. Put In Smart Test For Website

To make a website strong both internally and externally, keep running performance tests and improving in any way you can. Small changes could lead to better conversion rates. It also enables you to spot dead and broken links, therefore remove them. By keeping in tabs with competitor websites and new techniques in UI/UX globally, you keep your website refreshed to current trends. 

Final Thoughts:

With these tips, you're on your way to a website that adopts user interface techniques that enhance user experience. You're therefore deemed to generate optimum traffic as well as make conversion rates progress upwards even in the unknown future. Web owners and designers should definitely implement this for the highest standard of customer satisfaction!

Sachin Reddy is the founder and blogger at Techmediaguide.com. Certified Inbound Marketer, Tech Savvy & Brand Promoter. His passion lies in Blogging. For Sachin, night is day and online gaming is a serious sport. One can always find him enrapt to his laptop screen.

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