Technology is everywhere we go. One aspect that only seems to grow every day is social media. Far gone are the days of MySpace. Now, even corporations are on board with the concept. The education industry definitely isn’t left out either. With these developments coming in so fast, it’s important to look at how they influence everyday life.

Access to Resources

When anyone jumps online, they automatically see ads pertaining to them specifically. This could be things they want, might want, or even only searched a time or two. In the end, though, most people get most of their ads depending on demographics, personality, and predictive marketing.

The ability to generate such precise ads is a topic of hot debate. Today, we’re just going to look at the results. These, in summary, connect students to products and services they might need. While some are only going to get a passing glance, some offer real value. If a student is struggling with a term paper and they see an ad for an essay writing service, they may jump at the opportunity. After all, writing and editing papers are exactly what they’re looking for. Other possibilities include affordable textbooks, school supplies, or helpful gadgets. Not every ad in their feed is going to be a hit but some will turn them onto resources they weren’t aware of before.

Online Connection

Social media is becoming a platform for communication just as emails once were. This has led to online communities created based on education. For instance, many college professors create Facebook groups where students can ask questions or communicate with one another. These are often more interactive than traditional discussion boards and boost peer-to-peer communication. Moreover, as I looked for services to write my research paper, I came across this amazing resource that you can check out by clicking here

Student Participation

This might seem minor but it can go far in encouraging student engagement. When handing them a packet to fill out or a paper to right, you’re likely to hear a chorus of groans. A part of this is because, well, it’s dull. If an English teacher was to, on the other hand, encourage discussion through a social medium, there’s likely to be higher participation rates.

This also plays off everyone’s desire to be a part of a conversation. In addition, it can be intimidating to raise a hand in class. However, sending a message through social media is an everyday occurrence.

Always Connected

It can cut into a class’ schedule if unexpected cancellations occur. This could come from a variety of sources like weather cancellations. Even extended breaks can disengage students from their coursework. Social media allows continued mass communications at, once again, a more inviting fashion than a single class-wide email.

Making Up for Lost Time

In large classes, it can seem like there’s never enough time. Unfortunately, not everyone will have a chance to speak. This can be rather disheartening to the educator that wants to give everyone a chance. By extending learning beyond the classroom and the set hours that come with that, they are. When there’s a practically limitless conversation, almost everyone is going to chime in at some point. On top of that, as we’ve already touched on, some more introverted students may feel empowered to speak this way. This varies from person-to-person but the lack of face-to-face interaction does help some.


At this point, social media isn’t something that can be ignored by the education industry. So, the best thing to do is to adapt to it and use it to your advantage. These are just a few of the ways social media is changing the game and there are even more changes to co

Sachin Reddy is the founder and blogger at Certified Inbound Marketer, Tech Savvy & Brand Promoter. His passion lies in Blogging. For Sachin, night is day and online gaming is a serious sport. One can always find him enrapt to his laptop screen.

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