Key Takeaways

    • Understanding the root cause of SyntaxError: Unexpected Token ‘Export.'
    • Identifying when this error commonly occurs
    • Basic troubleshooting steps to rectify the issue
    • Comprehensive solutions to solve the problem
    • Preventative measures to avoid this error in the future

What's the Ideal Scenario Without the SyntaxError: Unexpected Token ‘Export' Issue?

Ideally, your TypeScript or JavaScript project runs smoothly without encountering syntax errors. When you execute your code, it will correctly interpret and complete the ‘export' statements, allowing for the successful import of the modules in other parts of your code. This ensures that all dependencies are correctly recognized and utilized, enabling your code to run as intended.

When Does SyntaxError: Unexpected Token ‘Export' Error Occur?

The SyntaxError: Unexpected Token ‘Export' error typically appears during the execution or testing phase of a TypeScript or JavaScript project.

This error pops explicitly up when the JavaScript interpreter encounters an unexpected ‘export' token in your code. In other words, when JavaScript doesn't understand an ‘export' statement, it throws this SyntaxError.

Basic Troubleshooting: Have You Tried These Steps?

Before diving into more complex solutions, there are a few basic troubleshooting steps you can take:

Restart your system: A simple system restart can sometimes solve the issue.
Update your JavaScript environment: Ensure your JavaScript environment (like Node.js or TypeScript compiler) is up-to-date.
Check your code syntax: Carefully check your ‘export' statements and ensure they are written correctly according to ES6 or TypeScript syntax.

Why It's Important to Resolve SyntaxError: Unexpected Token ‘Export'

Resolving this syntax error is crucial for the successful execution of your code. The error indicates a fundamental issue in your code syntax, preventing your application from running as expected.

Ignoring it can lead to a cascade of problems later on and may cause other parts of your code to malfunction. Therefore, it's essential to address this issue promptly to maintain the robustness of your codebase.

5 Practical Solutions to Fix SyntaxError: Unexpected Token ‘Export'

Solution 1: Verify Your Import and Export Statements

One of the most common reasons for this error is a mismatch in the usage of import and export statements. Verify that your import/export statements are correctly structured according to ES6 or TypeScript syntax.

Solution 2: Update Your Babel Configuration

Babel is a popular JavaScript compiler that helps to transpire ES6 and later versions to backward-compatible versions of JavaScript. If you use Babel, ensure it's correctly configured to handle ES6 syntax, including the ‘export' statements.

Solution 3: Use the Correct File Extension

If you are working with TypeScript, use the correct file extension (.ts or .tsx) for your files. Also, ensure that your TypeScript files are being compiled correctly into JavaScript.

Solution 4: Check Your Jest Configuration

For unit tests, if you use Jest, ensure that your Jest configuration is set up to handle ‘export' statements properly. You might need to use Babel alongside Jest for this.

Solution 5: Reach Out for Support

If all else fails, consider contacting community support, such as Stack Overflow or GitHub. Explain your issue clearly and, if possible, include the problematic code and error messages.

How to Prevent SyntaxError: Unexpected Token ‘Export' Error in the Future

To prevent this error in the future, stay updated with ES6 and TypeScript syntax rules. Regularly update your JavaScript environment, keep your dependencies up-to-date, and use tools like linters to help identify syntax errors before runtime.


The SyntaxError: Unexpected Token ‘Export' can be tricky, especially for those new to TypeScript or ES6. However, this error can be fixed by carefully understanding the problem and the correct set of solutions. Stay diligent with your coding practices, and don't hesitate to seek help from the community if needed.


1. What does ‘export' mean in JavaScript?

The ‘export' statement is used to export functions, objects, or primitive values from the module so they can be used by other programs with the ‘import' statement.

2. What's the difference between ‘export default' and ‘export'?

‘export default' is used to export a single class, function, or primitive from a script file. On the other hand, ‘export' can be used to export multiple functions, objects, or primitives from a script file.

3. How do I check my Babel configuration?

Your Babel configuration is usually located in a file named ‘.babelrc' at the root of your project.

4. Why do we use Babel in JavaScript?

Babel is a JavaScript transpiler that converts edge JavaScript into plain old ES5 JavaScript that can run in any browser (even the old ones).

5. Can I use ES6 syntax without Babel?

Yes, you can use ES6 syntax without Babel as long as the environment where the code runs support ES6. However, Babel is commonly used to ensure compatibility with older browsers.

Sachin Reddy is the founder and blogger at Certified Inbound Marketer, Tech Savvy & Brand Promoter. His passion lies in Blogging. For Sachin, night is day and online gaming is a serious sport. One can always find him enrapt to his laptop screen.

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